A sensitive, adaptive teaching of 3 wonderful life disciplines.
Since high school Richard Liddicut has been passionate about art and nature. From the early seventies his immersion in yoga, creative dance, sumi e and later tai chi happily satisfied his multi-level interest in health. This continued through the eighties with the addition of shodo.
The nineties saw the need to let go of his beloved creative dance and tai chi as he honed his expertise of the 3 friends’ yoga, sumi e and shodo. Behold Art is the accumulation and distillation of his lived teaching and practice.
Composed of physical limbering, stretching, movement and poses, breathing, relaxation and meditation.
These workshops combine yoga, brush and ink techniques in a way that takes you into an inner, fluid and interconnected world.
Melissa Bedford3. March, 2022. My 12 year old son has studied Japanese Ink Brush since he was 8 years old. We love how Richard is always innovating and adapts his teaching methods for each individual student along the way. He has been a great mentor to my son who has not only developed skills in painting and observation, but an ever more nuanced appreciation of art and beauty, and greater concentration and mindfulness. I am continually uplifted to see the quality of the work produced in class and the inspiring themes from the natural world that students engage with. Melissa Bedford3. March, 2022. My 12 year old son has studied Japanese Ink Brush since he was 8 years old. We love how Richard is always innovating and adapts his teaching methods for each individual student along the way. He has been a great mentor to my son who has not only developed skills in painting and observation, but an ever more nuanced appreciation of art and beauty, and greater concentration and mindfulness. I am continually uplifted to see the quality of the work produced in class and the inspiring themes from the natural world that students engage with. Ink9. January, 2022. I highly recommend Richards’s yoga classes - his extensive experience and love of yoga ensures a thoughtful and holistic teaching style. His classes are welcoming, no matter what level you’re at. I always look forward to my weekly yoga class as a calming oasis in amongst the madness of juggling full time work and young children, rejuvenating me and keeping me grounded. Maria Mingot29. November, 2021. I have been attending Richard's yoga class for over 15 years. Richard's class is both a workout of body and mind. The class includes meditation, chanting and breathing techniques while performing the asanas. The physical benefits that I have achieved through Richard's classes and practicing at home includes improved posture, balance, flexibility and fitness. Other key benefit is the reduction in stress and improved well being. I feel my stress reduce within minutes of the class starting, I float home after class for the best night sleep. The breathing exercises were key in surviving the COVID lockdowns which I practiced everyday. I highly recommend Richard's yoga class. Rosemary Sinclair5. October, 2021. I have been doing yoga with Richard for over 30 years. His classes have been, and continue to be, an essential anchor in my life. Richard is a unique and inspiring yoga practitioner and person. He cares deeply for all his students and is inspirational in his dedication and commitment to yoga. His teaching style is co-creative and his knowledge, skill and wisdom is subtly and lightly transmitted. Richard works intuitively and spontaneously to transform us into happier, more balanced and grounded people. I always feel more connected and inspired after a class. Richard seamlessly incorporates the various aspects of yoga practice, focusing instinctively on what the individual and the class requires. We continue to explore and integrate breathing practices, meditation, chanting, asanas and relaxation, but never in a prescriptive or didactic way. Each class is different — sometimes more meditative, other times more physically oriented, but always uplifting and restorative. Honor Bradbeer21. August, 2021. I studied with Richard for 10 years in childhood. He nurtured a connection with paper, brush and ink that has profoundly influenced my art practice. Richard is sincere, eccentric, passionate and rigorous in his teaching, and wonderful with children without talking down to them. The atmosphere of the classes is very peaceful and meditative, which is a rare gift in the lives of most kids. This is art, cultural education and mindfulness meditation all rolled into one. I am not surprised by how many students continue the practice into adulthood. Between his own character and the very special discipline of ink/brush painting, Richard’s classes are unique, and I feel very lucky to have experienced them every week for a decade. Ruth Steel21. August, 2021. I loved attending Japanese Ink Brush Painting classes whilst at Mangala. Ink Brush painting was a wonderful learning experience that taught me a lot of patience, good posture, and creative expression. The addition of yoga and mediative skills to the class compliments the painting style and allowed me to feel very comfortable and present in the room. As a teacher Richard is extremely caring and considerate, allowing for a range of skills and working with each student both individually and as a group to encourage creativity, traditionalism, and building skill within sumi-e as an art form. Having also had my work exhibited at the Japanese Consulate General office in Melbourne through attending Behold Art was an honour. Richard and these classes changed the way I see light and dark, appreciate nature and the beauty in the world, and the complexity of painting and the consideration behind it. Jess Loughlin15. August, 2021. I took Richard's Ink Brush Painting Classes from 1987 for 8 years as a child. His classes provided such a great basis for my art practice. The early understanding of tone, composition and most importantly an understanding of representing beauty within nature has had an everlasting influence on my artwork. His teaching balanced the strong and mindful ancient discipline of Sumi e with personal expression. Patricia Jackson8. August, 2021. My son attended painting classes with Richard from 7 years of age until 14 years of age and hopes to continue. Richard is a wonderful mentor and teacher, addressing each student's personal progress and fostering growth in painting, philosophy and the spirit of the child and their art. It is always amazing to see the contemplation and concentration of a group of young people who are otherwise boisterous and energetic outside class. His classes have enriched all the children and given them an appreciation of space and balance in art and in life, in quiet ways that will resonate throughout their lives. Julian Cornish6. August, 2021. I regularly attend Richard’s ‘Brush & Ink classes’ in Carlton. The sessions operate in a quiet, meditative manner with Richard often incorporating relaxation and focusing exercises as a part of the painting process. Lessons are well-planned , drawing on his expertise as a painter, teacher and calligrapher of many years experience. As a practising artist, I find I can always take away another skill or approach from each session,for my own practice. I thoroughly recommend this painting class.
If you or your child (brush and ink classes) are attracted to the flavour or subject of what appears on this site. Bear in mind Richard is approachable.
The classes are conducted in a friendly, relaxed yet orderly, open and non-competitive way. Feel welcome to email or phone if you have further enquiries. | (03) 9387 1236
Richard Liddicut’s Teaching
Richard Liddicut lives and teaches the gems of yoga, sumi e and shodo as he was done for quite a few decades.
The whole person (physical, mental and inner) is central to the teaching.
Yoga touches the aesthetic and artistic as well as the physical and meditational.
Brush and ink respectfully goes beyond national lines to find an inner glow in the handling and execution of its sensitive yet powerful tools.